My journey to discover the Youtube algorithm

Welcome back to Continuous Improvement, where we dive deep into personal growth and learning through technology and creativity. I’m your host, Victor Leung, and today, I want to share a very personal story with you—a journey into content creation on YouTube, the trials, the errors, and the eventual insights that led to unexpected success.

Last Christmas, I found myself with some free time and a growing curiosity about YouTube’s elusive algorithm—how does one drive views, build an audience, and create meaningful content that also happens to earn revenue? My adventure in this digital landscape was nothing short of a roller coaster.

It all started with me creating videos, pouring my heart and soul into each frame, each line of dialogue. But despite the effort, the response was… well, disheartening. Views were scarce, and audience growth was virtually nonexistent. It was a classic creator’s dilemma, but it sparked a crucial realization: I needed to pivot.

Taking a leaf out of YouTube’s own book—yes, the platform itself had pivoted from its original concept based on user feedback—I began to reshape my strategy. Instead of crafting videos solely based on my interests, I started focusing on what the audience seemed to want, using every video as a data point to gather insights into viewer preferences and behaviors.

This data-driven approach was eye-opening. It wasn’t just about analytics; it was about understanding human engagement. People are drawn to stories, to emotions, to connections. I began to craft content that resonated, that spoke to the viewer on the other side of the screen. My channel shifted from being ego-centric to audience-centric.

One of the pivotal moments came with a video titled “AI-generated Jazz Music with Deep Learning.” Utilizing a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network, this video not only showcased fascinating technology but also struck a chord with the audience’s love for innovative, accessible content. The feedback was phenomenal, and it taught me the power of aligning tech with human interest.

From then on, it was all about refining the process—analyzing, adjusting, and continually evolving. This cycle became the backbone of my growth on YouTube. And today, I’m proud to say that the channel has not just survived but thrived, with viewership continuing to grow.

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? If you’re diving into YouTube or any platform, really, remember: content is king, but understanding your audience is queen. Become a master of storytelling, sure, but also a diligent student of data. Your efforts to blend creativity with analytics are what will set you apart in the crowded digital arena.

Thank you for joining me on this personal journey today on Continuous Improvement. If you’ve enjoyed the episode, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share. Your support means the world. I’m Victor Leung, and I’ll be back soon with more stories, tips, and tactics to help you navigate your path to success. Until next time, keep learning, keep creating, and keep engaging!