My Productivity Plan

Welcome to “Continuous Improvement,” the podcast where we explore proven tactics and strategies to boost productivity and achieve our goals. I’m your host, Victor, and in today’s episode, we’re diving into the fascinating world of managing our energy and connecting daily tasks with our broader aspirations.

But before we jump into that, let me share with you an incredible blog post I recently came across. Over the past two weeks, the author has been on a mission to uncover science-backed tactics for peak performance. They believe that understanding their body’s natural rhythms is the key to unlocking their productivity potential.

According to the blog post, the author has a PM-shifted chronotype, meaning they prefer staying up late and waking up late. They feel most energized later in the day. To align their schedule with their body’s energy levels, they have crafted a strategic routine.

Let’s take a look at their daily schedule:

  • 6 am: Sleep
  • 7 am: Rise and shine, followed by breakfast
  • 8 am: Commute to work while reading a book
  • 9 am: Arrive at the office and kickstart meetings

During their recovery phase, where inhibition is reduced, the author focuses on creative work and collaborative tasks. They engage in programming, have one-to-one meetings with team members, and design technical architecture solutions.

As their energy dips, they shift gears to administrative tasks and prioritize taking breaks, naps, or walks. Writing documentation and attending management meetings are the primary focus during this period.

When their energy is at its peak, which is the analytical phase, the author tackles their most important tasks. They use this time to commute back home while reading a book, exercise at the gym, engage in personal reading at the library, have dinner, write blog posts and journal, and review their CFA curriculum.

Sleep is crucial for sustaining peak performance, so the author ensures they get to bed by midnight to recharge for the next day.

Now, that was quite an insightful routine. But what does it mean to connect daily tasks with our long-term goals? Well, one key aspect is understanding our “ultimate whys.” Our host believes that breaking down large aspirations into smaller, achievable steps is vital for success.

Let’s take a look at their quarterly objectives:

  • Objective 1: Pass the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level 1 exam
  • Objective 2: Pass the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Certification exam
  • Objective 3: Enroll in a Master’s degree program in Digital Leadership at the National University of Singapore

To measure progress towards their objectives, the host identifies key results on a monthly level. For instance, passing mock CFA exams and completing practice exercises, gaining real-world experience in AWS architecture, and leading technology projects while practicing leadership principles.

To break it down further, we have the weekly initiatives. The host commits to completing three CFA curriculum readings, finishing CFA exercises, and practicing exam questions to improve their response time.

But what about daily tasks? The host focuses on their Most Important Tasks (MITs) to further align their routines with their broader goals. They read physical books and e-books, attend in-person and online lectures, and even listen to podcasts while hitting the gym.

So, continuous learning and improvement play a significant role in the host’s journey. They understand the science behind building effective habits and how it can aid in achieving those ultimate goals. And one habit they’re keen on cultivating is reading more books.

To build this habit, the host walks us through the four steps:

Step 1: Designing the cue. When feeling bored during the morning train commute, they initiate the reading habit. Step 2: Linking the habit to a craving. The host believes in continuous learning and improvement. Step 3: Writing down the response and eliminating barriers. They keep their Kindle fully charged and in their pocket, along with a list of books they want to read. Step 4: Creating a reward. The host applies new knowledge in real-world scenarios and shares their learnings on their blog.

Impressive, isn’t it? The host has truly embraced the power of managing energy, connecting daily tasks with long-term goals, and building sustainable habits. It’s time for us to reflect on our own routines and see how we can apply these tactics to our own lives.

That’s all for today’s episode of “Continuous Improvement.” I hope you found these insights valuable and that they inspire you to take actionable steps towards optimizing your productivity and achieving your goals.

Remember, the journey towards continuous improvement is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay tuned for more episodes filled with wisdom and strategies to help you on your path.

Until next time, this is Victor signing off.