On Digital Transformation

Welcome to Continuous Improvement, the podcast where we explore the world of digital transformation and discuss strategies for success. I’m your host, Victor, and in today’s episode, we’ll dive into the career journey of a digital transformation leader.

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Now, let’s get started.

Over the past 5 years, our guest today has assumed leadership roles in multiple digital transformation projects, working with renowned companies like Cathay Pacific Airways, HSBC, and EY. With a unique blend of technical and business acumen, our guest has tackled complex challenges and obtained hands-on experience in various technologies.

In 2017, as a senior consultant at Accenture, our guest led the transformation of Cathay Pacific Airways’ mobile app, moving it from a legacy platform to a new native mobile technology. Through effective communication and the utilization of his coding skills, our guest successfully addressed both the organizational and technological challenges.

Following this, in 2018, our guest worked as a consultant at EY on a project for HSBC’s Payme business mobile app. The rise of e-commerce and the disruption caused by AliPay posed a threat to traditional banks. Our guest was entrusted with guiding HSBC through this transition, advising on technical architecture, agile delivery methodologies, and even driving the migration from AWS to Azure.

In 2019, our guest took on the role of technical lead for the HSBC merchant online payment project. With the sudden surge in e-commerce due to the pandemic, our guest played a crucial role in building a new website to handle the increased demand. Leveraging Angular, TypeScript, and Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), our guest ensured a smooth launch while collaborating with various teams.

Continuously pushing boundaries, our guest then joined a digital-only bank project in Singapore in 2021. Unlike traditional banks burdened by legacy systems, this digital bank had the advantage of utilizing cloud-native technology. Our guest witnessed firsthand how agility and innovation can lead to more efficient and cost-effective operations.

Now, in 2022, our guest is contributing to a Vietnamese Digital Bank project, working on building financial products on the platform. With a diverse skill set and the ability to analyze business requirements and translate them into technical specifications, our guest is helping drive innovation and success in the banking sector.

Throughout these experiences, our guest emphasizes the importance of changing mindsets and introducing new ways of working. Digital transformation is not just about technology—it’s about meeting customer needs effectively. Our guest’s journey highlights the need for a diverse team, involving both business and technical individuals, and working closely with end-users to ensure successful adoption.

While focused on technology, our guest acknowledges the importance of developing a strong business model that connects technology to an emerging market. With a test-and-learn mentality and a commitment to continuous improvement, our guest aims to lead successful digital transformations.

And that’s a wrap for today’s episode of Continuous Improvement. I hope you found our guest’s journey inspiring and learned valuable insights about digital transformation.

Don’t forget to tune in next week for another exciting episode. Until then, keep exploring and striving for continuous improvement.

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