My Time as an Undergraduate Student

Hello, and welcome to “Continuous Improvement,” the podcast where we explore personal and professional growth, share stories of overcoming challenges, and learn from inspiring individuals. I’m your host, Victor, and in today’s episode, we’ll dive into the journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement shared in the blog post “The Conflict Between Ideals and Reality.”

Today, we follow the author’s experiences as a chemistry student and the conflict they faced between their ideal world of scientific research and the reality of the job market. Graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in chemistry, the author found themselves torn between their passion for quantum mechanics and the limited industries in their city, Hong Kong.

The coursework was challenging, and not all instructors were as passionate about teaching as the author hoped for. However, there was one exceptional physics professor, Professor Chu Ming Chung, who studied under the renowned Richard Feynman. This professor’s teachings opened up the author’s understanding of Einstein’s general theory of relativity, sparking a deep interest in the vast universe.

But the author’s university experience wasn’t solely confined to academics. They found tremendous value in volunteering with the university student union. Engaging in intellectual discussions with public administration students, the author explored fundamental questions surrounding the role of government, democracy, and civic responsibilities.

The atmosphere encouraged diverse perspectives, though the risks of discussing sensitive topics like the Tiananmen Square protests were recognized. The author took pride in being a part of the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s New Asia College, inspired by the ethos of integrity, morality, and responsibility.

A summer working holiday in the United States opened the author’s eyes to cultural differences and broadened their understanding of different societies. Returning to Hong Kong, they faced personal and career challenges, such as the end of a long-distance relationship and difficulties in finding a fulfilling job. Taking a part-time position at Uniqlo, the author found themselves questioning the meaning of life and their educational choices amidst the repetitive nature of the work.

Nevertheless, a full-time job offer as a test engineer in a chemical safety lab assessing food utensils helped align their career path with their chemistry background, easing some of the existential questioning. But before starting this new chapter of their life, the author embarked on a life-changing trip to Australia.

And that concludes today’s episode of “Continuous Improvement.” We’ve journeyed through the author’s conflict between ideals and reality, exploring their academic pursuits, volunteering experiences, and personal challenges. Join us next time as we delve into the transformative trip to Australia and the lessons learned along the way.

Thank you for listening to “Continuous Improvement.” I’m Victor, your host, and remember, in the pursuit of growth and self-improvement, every step counts.