Stop Downloading Apps for Everything

Hello and welcome to “Continuous Improvement,” the podcast where we explore ways to improve ourselves and the world around us. I’m your host, Victor, and in today’s episode, we’ll be diving into a topic that affects both developers and users alike - the growing irrelevance of mobile apps.

It’s no secret that apps have become an integral part of our lives. We rely on them for various tasks, from ordering food to tracking our workouts. But have you ever stopped to think about the effectiveness of those apps?

According to a recent blog post I came across, apps are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Why download and clutter your device with ineffective software when your browser can serve as an adequate substitute? It seems the primary benefit of using apps lies in data gathering and ad serving, which favor tech giants rather than us, the end-users.

As a user, it’s difficult to determine which app is superior and genuinely offers value. The post suggests that the competency of the programmer behind an app plays a significant role in its effectiveness. Skilled programmers invest time in refining their work - constructing test cases, simplifying complex problems, and thinking deeply about the subject at hand.

On the other hand, less skilled developers may lack the necessary will or talent to achieve anything significant. This leads to a sea of apps where quality is questionable at best.

So, what happens when a developer makes an error? Well, the repercussions are often minor. At worst, they might receive a poor rating on the app store, but for the most part, there are no lasting consequences. Some developers might patch the flaws, while others may introduce new ones. It’s a constant cycle of trial and error, leaving us, the users, with unreliable software and little control over its quality.

But the problem doesn’t solely lie with poor developers. Even talented programmers find themselves trapped in an increasingly irrational industry. They lack the time to specify requirements or plan thoroughly, and are under immense pressure to churn out new features constantly. All this to keep up with the industry’s demand for constant innovation.

Creating robust, well-tested software that handles all possible states is a challenge in itself. And to top it off, developers have to deal with constant interruptions, like Slack messages and progress report meetings, which only add to their struggles. Companies often hire experienced full-stack engineers to complete the work, only to find that it’s prohibitively expensive.

Users, on the other hand, are largely unaware of these challenges. They simply want reliable and efficient apps, but are often burdened with spaghetti code and countless defects. It’s no wonder that many talented developers transition to project management roles, seeking less stress, higher income, and more predictable hours. The ambition to transform the world through better software wanes.

But who can we blame for this dysfunctional software engineering culture? The post argues that tech behemoths like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon have shaped the industry with their platforms and policies. As we spend more time on their platforms, they become more successful, further encouraging a race to the bottom in terms of software quality.

So, what’s the solution? The author advises software developers, like myself and many of you listening, to opt out of this race. True professionals should take pride in their carefully crafted work and refuse to be treated like mere code monkeys.

And that brings us to the end of today’s episode of “Continuous Improvement.” I hope you found this discussion thought-provoking, whether you’re a developer or a user of mobile apps.

Remember, the power for change lies in the hands of those who care about the quality of software we use every day. Let’s strive for better, more reliable apps that truly serve us.

Join me next time as we delve into another topic of continuous improvement. Until then, take care and keep striving for excellence.