Setting Up npm Proxy in a Corporate Network

Hello and welcome to “Continuous Improvement,” the podcast where we explore strategies and techniques to enhance our professional lives. I’m your host, Victor, and today we’ll be diving into the topic of working behind a corporate network and overcoming challenges that arise. Specifically, we’ll be discussing how to successfully work with proxies when using commands like npm install.

Working within a corporate network often requires additional steps to get things up and running smoothly. For instance, commands that typically work perfectly outside the corporate environment may not function as expected within it. But fear not, because today we’ll be sharing some helpful tips to work through proxy issues and ensure you can use npm install without any hiccups.

Assuming that you’ve already installed node.js on your corporate laptop, the first step is to locate the .npmrc file. On Windows, this file is typically found at C:\Users\<your_user_id>\.npmrc. And on a Mac, you can find it at Users/<your_user_id>/.npmrc.

Open the .npmrc file and add the following lines:


These lines will help in configuring the proxy settings necessary to ensure the smooth functioning of npm install. Now, give npm install another try, and you’ll see that it works seamlessly!

But wait, there’s more! If you have dependencies hosted in your corporate internal Nexus npm repository, there’s an additional step you can take to resolve any “dependency not found” errors. Let’s say your dependencies are in the @npmcorp scope. To specify the correct registry URL, run the following command:

    npm config set @npmcorp:registry https://your-company-nexus:80/nexus/content/repository/npm-internal

By running this command, you’ll ensure that the correct registry URL is used, and any “dependency not found” errors will be resolved. It’s a small step that can make a big difference in your work.

So there you have it, a couple of essential tips to overcome proxy issues when working with npm install within a corporate network. By configuring the proxy settings and specifying the correct registry URL for internal dependencies, you’ll be able to navigate any obstacles that come your way.

That wraps up today’s episode of “Continuous Improvement.” I hope you found these tips helpful and will apply them in your work environment. Remember, it’s all about continuously improving our professional lives, one step at a time.

If you have any questions or specific topics you’d like us to cover, feel free to reach out to us on our website or social media channels. Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast for more insightful episodes.

Thank you for joining me today. I’m Victor, and until next time, keep striving for continuous improvement.