The Challenge of a Scaled Scrum Team

Welcome back to another episode of Continuous Improvement! I’m your host, Victor, and today we’ll be diving into the world of Nexus framework and scaled Scrum. As some of you may know, software development can already be quite challenging, but when multiple teams are working on the same product with numerous dependencies, the complexity reaches a whole new level.

In today’s episode, we’ll be exploring some of the major challenges faced in a scaled Scrum environment, as well as discussing potential solutions and the importance of cultivating the right mindset. So let’s jump right in!

Our first challenge revolves around the role of the Product Owner in Nexus Sprint Planning. According to the Scrum Guide, the Product Owner holds the ultimate decision-making power. However, when multiple teams conduct their own sprint planning sessions after the Nexus Sprint Planning, it becomes difficult for the Product Owner to actively participate in each team’s planning. Can you imagine addressing domain knowledge questions or making prioritization decisions for multiple teams simultaneously? It would be a time-consuming and overwhelming task.

One potential solution to this challenge is asynchronous scheduling. By staggering the sprint planning sessions across teams, the Product Owner can allocate their time more efficiently. Additionally, organizations may consider designating a group of Product Owners to ease decision-making, although it brings its own set of complexities.

Another challenge faced in scaled Scrum environments is visualizing Product Backlog Refinement. As dependencies arise, it becomes crucial to identify and minimize them. However, existing tools like JIRA and Trello often fall short in providing an easy way to visualize the progress or resolution of these dependencies. This can make it difficult for Scrum Masters to manage dependencies effectively, as they may not fully grasp the complex technical implications.

To overcome this challenge, organizations can explore specialized visualization tools or customizations within existing tools to cater to their specific needs. By having a clear visual representation of dependencies, teams can more effectively prioritize and address them during Product Backlog Refinement sessions.

Lastly, let’s talk about reviewing Nexus Sprint through the lens of velocity. Integration work is an inevitable part of software development, but it can significantly impact a team’s velocity. Each team works based on their own estimation baseline and agenda, making it unclear who should take responsibility for overlapping work. Integration tasks, such as setting up servers, automating tests, and resolving git code merge issues, are time-consuming and crucial, but they may not be fully accounted for in story points.

To address this challenge, teams can consider incorporating a dedicated Nexus Integration Team. This team would be responsible for handling cross-team integration tasks, ensuring smooth collaboration and addressing any post-integration issues that may arise. By having clear roles and responsibilities, teams can better manage their velocity and avoid misleading senior management with sudden drops due to integration work.

As we’ve explored these challenges, it’s important to note that the mindset of the Nexus Integration Team is key to managing the complexity and unpredictability of software development. Meetings and tools are merely symptoms of a more fundamental challenge: getting everyone on the team, including organizational leaders, to understand and embrace agility.

By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and encouraging open communication, teams can overcome these challenges and create an environment where scaling Scrum becomes more manageable. It’s not just about the process or the framework; it’s about the people and their mindset.

And that’s all we have for today’s episode of Continuous Improvement! I hope you found our exploration of scaled Scrum and the Nexus framework insightful. Remember, it’s not just about the challenges, but also about finding innovative solutions and embracing a mindset of agility and continuous improvement.

If you have any comments or experiences working in scaled Scrum environments, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out and share your thoughts. Until next time, this is Victor signing off. Stay agile, stay curious, and keep improving!