How to Upgrade Your Ghost Blog via Command Line

Welcome to “Continuous Improvement,” the podcast where we explore tips, tricks, and strategies for improving and optimizing various aspects of our lives. I’m your host, Victor, and in today’s episode, we’re going to discuss how to upgrade your Ghost blog to the latest version. So if you’re a Ghost blog owner and want to make sure you have all the latest features and bug fixes, this episode is for you.

Before we dive into the steps, make sure you have access to your Ghost blog directory. This is where all your Ghost files are stored. Once you’re ready, let’s get started!

Step 1 is to navigate to your Ghost blog directory. In your terminal, change the directory to the path where your Ghost blog is installed. For example, if your blog is located at /var/www, you can use the command:

cd /var/www

Great! Now that we’re in the right directory, step 2 is to download the latest version of Ghost using the wget command. You can find the current version on the official Ghost website at Once you have the download link, use wget followed by the link to download the latest version.

Awesome! Now that we have the latest version of Ghost downloaded, let’s move on to step 3. In this step, we need to remove the old core code. Use the following command to delete the old core directory:

rm -rf ghost/core

We’re making progress! Step 4 is all about unzipping the downloaded file into the Ghost directory. Use the command unzip -uo -d ghost, where X.X.X represents the version number you downloaded. This will extract the files and overwrite any existing ones.

Moving on to step 5, we need to update the ownership and permissions for the newly added Ghost files. This helps ensure everything works smoothly. Use the command chown -R ghost:ghost ghost/ to update the ownership.

Step 6 is an important one. We need to install new dependencies for the upgraded Ghost version. Navigate back to your Ghost directory using cd /var/www/ghost and run npm install to install the new dependencies.

Fantastic! We’re almost there. In step 7, it’s time to restart your Ghost blog to complete the upgrade process. Use the command pm2 restart ghost if you’re using pm2. If not, you can try service ghost start instead.

And there you have it! Your Ghost blog should now be successfully upgraded to the latest version. Remember, keeping your blog up to date ensures you have access to all the latest features and bug fixes.

That brings us to the end of this episode of “Continuous Improvement.” I hope you found these steps helpful in upgrading your Ghost blog. If you have any questions or suggestions for future episodes, feel free to reach out to me. Until next time, keep improving and optimizing!