Beer Recommendation Engine Using PredictionIO

The Problem:

Welcome to “Continuous Improvement,” the podcast where we explore innovative solutions to everyday problems. I’m your host, Victor, and today we’re diving into the world of beer and how technology is helping us make better choices.

Imagine this: you walk into a bar or a liquor store, excited to try something new and delicious. But suddenly, you find yourself overwhelmed by the countless options staring back at you. What should you drink next? Well, fear not, because today we have a solution to that beer dilemma.

In a recent blog post titled “The Problem and My Solution,” we discovered that a Hack Reactor graduate took matters into their own hands and built a machine-learning server called OnTapp. This revolutionary app uses cutting-edge technology to recommend beers that match your taste preferences.

The app’s creator implemented two main strategies: the content filtering approach and the collaborative filtering approach. Let’s take a closer look at how each of these strategies works.

The content filtering approach uses various characteristics of each beer to identify its nature. It takes into account factors like the beer’s style, alcohol by volume (ABV), and International Bittering Units (IBU). By analyzing these attributes, the app queries a database to find beers with similar qualities. Pretty cool, right?

Now, let’s move on to the collaborative filtering approach. This method relies solely on past user behavior, specifically their beer ratings. By using matrix factorization techniques and the Alternating Least Squares (ALS) algorithm, OnTapp can create profiles of both beers and users. These profiles are then compared for similarities, resulting in personalized beer recommendations.

What’s interesting about this approach is its ability to incorporate additional information. When explicit feedback, such as ratings, is not available, implicit feedback can be used. That means your browsing history and search patterns can also help determine your preferences. It’s like having a virtual beer sommelier!

The OnTapp app is making waves in the beer community, providing beer lovers like us with a convenient way to navigate the ever-expanding beer landscape. No more aimless wandering through shelves or scrolling endlessly through beer menus. With OnTapp, you can get tailored recommendations and explore new flavors with confidence.

If you’re curious to try out OnTapp and get personalized beer recommendations, head over to

That’s all for today’s episode of “Continuous Improvement.” I hope you’ve enjoyed diving into the world of beer and technology. Remember, there’s always a solution to our everyday problems, and in this case, it’s OnTapp. Join me next time as we explore another exciting innovation. Until then, cheers!