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我的前女友Jo,教導了我關於愛情和情感責任的寶貴課程。雖然我們的關所結束,導致我經歷了抑鬱,但我了解到了我傷害她的行為的後果。我被迫更加關注我的感受,以及他人的感受。這次經驗鼓勵我成為一個更好的人,培養像耐心、情緒溝通和改正我錯誤的能力這樣的品質。從我們的關所學到的課程引申到了同居和面對生活的挑戰。我們分手後,我經歷了一段特別黑暗的時期,然而,Jordan Peterson 的書 "12 Rules for Life" 幫助我克服了這段抑鬱期。






  • 早上6點:睡覺
  • 早上7點:起床並吃早餐
  • 早上8點:通勤去工作,同時讀書
  • 早上9點:到達辦公室並開始會議


  • 上午10點:程序設計
  • 上午11點:與團隊成員一對一會議
  • 中午12點:吃午飯
  • 下午1點:設計技術架構解決方案
  • 下午2點:程式碼審查
  • 下午3點:與客戶會議


  • 下午4點:寫文檔
  • 下午5點:管理會議


  • 下午6點:通勤回家,同時讀書
  • 下午7點:在健身房運動並跑步5公里
  • 下午8點:在圖書館讀書
  • 下午9點:吃晚飯
  • 晚上10點:寫博客和寫日記
  • 晚上11點:複習CFA課程


  • 午夜12點:睡覺




  • 目標1:通過特許金融分析師(CFA)一級考試
  • 目標2:通過AWS認證的解決方案架構師專業認證考試
  • 目標3:在新加坡國立大學的數字領導碩士學位課程中註冊


  • 關鍵結果1:通過模擬CFA考試並完成練習
  • 關鍵結果2:在AWS架構中獲得真實世界的經驗
  • 關鍵結果3:在實踐領導原則的同時,領導並交付技術項目


  • 行動1:完成三次CFA課程閱讀
  • 行動2:完成CFA練習
  • 行動3:練習考試題目以提高回答速度


  • MIT 1:閱讀實體書和電子書
  • MIT 2:參加當面和在線講座
  • MIT 3:在健身房時聽播客



  • 步驟1:設計線索。當我在早上的火車通勤路上感到無聊時,我將開始閱讀的習慣。
  • 步驟2:將習慣與渴望相連接。我相信持續學習和改進。
  • 步驟3:寫下反應並消除障礙。我將保持我的Kindle充滿電並放在口袋裡,還有我想讀的一些書的清單。
  • 步驟4:創建獎勵。我將在真實世界中應用新的知識,並在我的博客上分享我的學習。


給予與接受 - 書籍評論

在這篇博客文章中,我將對亞當·格蘭特(Adam Grant)的書籍《給予與接受》進行評論。我認為學習和成長是人類的基本需求。分享這本書的見解對我來說是一種主動學習的方式,希望對你也有所幫助。










在這個提議中,我對Thought Machine提供戰略建議,這是一家金融科技產品公司。Thought Machine開發了一款正在改變銀行業並使銀行能夠向客戶提供創新服務的核心銀行產品。

Thought Machine的增長令人印象深刻,最近在由業界領先的風險投資公司和全球銀行(包括Nyca Partners、Molten Ventures、摩根大通和渣打銀行)主導的C輪融資中籌得2億美元。這使我們的總融資額達到3.5億美元,估值超過10億英鎊。我們為一個多元化的銀行客戶群提供服務,範圍從Tier 1到挑戰者銀行,例如Atom Bank、Curve、Lloyds Banking Group、Monese、SEB、渣打銀行、TransferGo、Arvest、ING和摩根大通。


我們使用Clock Mode框架來評估品牌與消費者在三個階段之間的每一個交互:購買前,購買和購買後。購買前的階段包括像社交媒體,金融科技事件,合作夥伴和回應提案(Request for Proposals)的元素。購買階段涉及使能,API,自助服務和產品服務。購買後階段包括支援服務,認證程序,培訓內容和新聞通訊。


基於品牌審計,我們創建了一個期望的品牌形象。 Thought Machine品牌的核心精神是有遠見,簡單且強烈,是現代銀行的基礎。我們的擴展品牌形象涵蓋了一系列特點,從技術導向,有點書呆子的人到象徵雲技術和產品優先的策略。

以下是我對Thought Machine的戰略建議:

  1. 差異化:專注於從傳統供應商中脫穎而出,建立一個優質的雲平台。強調智能合約的獨特功能,提供無與倫比的可配置性。加強我們身份的這一方面可以提高認知度並加快增長。

  2. 相關性:提供銀行不會或不能內部建立的雲平台。許多銀行被複雜,孤立的舊系統所困擾。我們應努力提供產品,使其在銀行業中的地位不可或缺。

  3. 可持續性:通過提供更換過時的主機服務器為更現代的,基於雲的解決方案,以保持競爭優勢。與銀行和整合夥伴建立長期關係,以確保在規模和速度上的成功。

如果您對此提議有任何問題,請隨時與我聯繫:Victor Leung on LinkedIn




現在,我已經將Ubuntu桌面遷移到一個AWS EC2實例上。它與Google Chrome的遠程桌面設置配合得很好,而且我喜歡根據自己的需求選擇CPU、內存和存儲硬件的靈活性。雖然聲音可以正常工作,但我對瀏覽器滾動體驗感到失望,特別是在串流YouTube視頻時,這種體驗感覺上有延遲。

今天早上,我看到一則宣布Ubuntu桌面可在AWS Workspace上使用的消息,我立即決定試試看。我以前用過AWS Workspace——一種完全管理的虛擬桌面基礎設施(VDI),並發現使用遠端桌面協議(RDP)的Windows實例的用戶體驗更好。由於RDP是由微軟開發的專有協議,我寧願不使用它。與此同時,Linux桌面使用PCoIP,有時可能會感到延遲和反應不靈敏。此外,帶有MATE桌面的Amazon Linux2映像並不符合我的喜好。

今天,我終於有了我喜歡的選擇:在AWS Workspace上使用Ubuntu桌面,並使用WorkSpaces串流協議(WSP)進行設置。我就在這個設置下寫這篇部落格文章。


步驟0:在開始之前,您需要設置一個目錄。您可能不確定選擇AWS管理的Microsoft AD還是簡易AD。在我情況下,我只需要一種價格低廉的Active Directory兼容服務,所以我選擇了簡易AD,如下圖所示:


步驟2 & 3:接下來,創建一個用戶並識別他們。

步驟4:選擇Ubuntu Desktop捆綁包。UI缺少搜索和過濾功能,所以你可能需要導航到最後一頁來找到Ubuntu選項。你可以從各種硬件配置中選擇。我選擇了性能選項,因為它目前有免費層次的推廣。



最後,等待狀態從“等待”變為“就緒”。然後,您可以使用註冊碼開始連接。您可以下載AWS客戶端並在您的筆記本電腦上安裝它,但我特別喜歡AWS Workspace上的Ubuntu桌面的一個功能,那就是可以通過Web來訪問它。要啟用此功能,請遵循以下所述的一個步驟:

前往WorkSpaces控制台,在導航窗格中選擇“Directories”。選擇你的目錄,然後選擇“Actions”,接著選擇“Update Details”。展開“Access Control Options”並定位到"Other Platforms"。選擇"Web Access"然後選擇"Update and Exit"。


輸入您的用戶名和密碼。 (如果您忘記了目錄密碼,您可以通過AWS控制台重置它。)







接著,我將創建六個子網。第一個子網命名為pub-subnet-1。我將它與我剛剛創建的VPC關聯,並選擇適當的可用區域(Zone A)。我也將指定這個子網的IP地址範圍。為了確保可擴展性,我將將其設置為/24子網。



























後來,因為我的初創公司失敗,我找到了一份全職工作,成為了澳洲企業諮詢公司Industrie IT的軟體工程師。我的第一個客戶是Riot Games,擁有《英雄聯盟》的遊戲公司,該公司由騰訊擁有。這個項目是重新設計遊戲商店,用來購買角色皮膚。我是唯一負責實作的前端開發者。我一直致力於寫一個功能,並在購買按鈕上添加CSS動畫。


在展示會結束的前一天,我終於收到了動畫檔案,但這個文件是用photoshop提供的,我沒有許可證可以開啟。這種動畫的格式與舊的瀏覽器不兼容,比如Safari 4的內置瀏覽器。它不支援最新的CSS語法,並且它不能正確地顯示

Introducing Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Hello everyone, my name is Victor Leung and I am an AWS community builder. In this article, I would like to introduce Amazon Web Service (AWS). You may be wondering, what is AWS? It is the world's most comprehensive and well-adopted cloud platform. Customers trust AWS to power their infrastructure and applications. Organisations of every type and size are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile and innovate faster.

AWS provides on-demand delivery of technology services via the internet with pay-as-you-go pricing. You can use these services to run any type of application without upfront costs or ongoing commitments. You only pay for what you use.

Moreover, AWS gives you more services and more features within those services than any other cloud provider. This makes it faster, easier and more cost-effective to move your existing application to the cloud and to build anything you can imagine.

You can rely on AWS's globally deployed infrastructure to scale your application to meet growing demand. There are so many regions in the world, how to choose? You can start with the region closest to you and your customer. A region is a physical location in the world that consists of multiple Availability Zones. Each availability zones consist of one or more discrete data centres, each with redundant power, networking, and connectivity, housed in separate facilities. In the future, if your company expands to other regions, you can take advantage of AWS facilities as well. The AWS Cloud spans 84 Availability Zones within 26 geographic regions around the world, with announced plans for 24 more Availability Zones and 8 more AWS Regions.

As for the computing power on the cloud platform, there are several types to choose from. You can use the EC2 virtual server service to deploy your server on the platform. And there are so many types of EC2, how to choose? In fact, it is decided according to your needs, the four aspects are the CPU, memory, storage and network performance. According to the type, age, capability and size, there are certain naming conventions, such as M5d.xlarge.

Generally speaking, for the instance selection process, you can start with the best-guess instance. Then determine the constrained resources. For example, C5 instances are optimised for compute-intensive workloads. It is suited for high-performance web servers. It has cost-effective high performance at a low price per compute the ratio. Besides, for M5 instances, they are general purpose instances. It has a balance of compute, memory, and network resources. It is a good choice for many applications.

Once you started an EC2 instance, you may change the instance type as well. You can resize for over-utilized (the instance type is too small) or under-utilized (the instance type is too large) cases. This only works for EBS-backed instances. The steps are 1. Stop instance 2. Instance Settings -> Change Type 3. Start Instance. You cannot change the instance type of a Spot Instance and you cannot change the instance type if hibernation is enabled.

There are a couple of available CloudWatch metrics for your EC2 instances:

  • CPUUtilization: the percentage of allocated EC2 compute units
  • DiskReadOps: completed read operations from all instance store volumes
  • DiskWriteOps: completed write operations to all instance store volumes
  • DiskReadBytes: bytes read from all instance store volumes
  • DiskWriteBytes: bytes written to all instance store volumes
  • MetadataNoToken: number of times the instance metadata service was successfully accessed using a method
  • NetworkIn: number of bytes received by the instance
  • NetworkOut: number of bytes sent out by the instance
  • NetworkPacketsIn: number of packets received by the instance
  • NetworkPacketsOut: number of packets sent out by the instance

Besides, you can install the CloudWatch agent to collect memory metrics and log files.

When purchasing EC2, there are many options. You can start with an on-demand instance first, billed by the second, with no long-term contract. After you try it out in the future, you can choose a more cost-effective reserved instance and pay for a long-term lease of one to three years, which will save you money in the long run.

After choosing the purchase method, you can put the EC2 virtual machine into the auto-scaling group. When the demand increases, the number of EC2s can be increased at the same time, thereby increasing the computing power. When the peak period is over, such as when there is no traffic in the early morning, the number of EC2s can be automatically reduced. This automatic scaling function can be scaled independently according to different indicators, and this function is free to use.

For EC2 Load Balancing, by default, the round robin routing algorithm is used to route requests at the target group level. It is a good choice when the requests and targets are similar, or if you need to distribute requests equally among targets. You can specify the least outstanding requests routing algorithm, with consideration for capacity or utilization, to prevent over-utilization or under-utilization of targets in target groups when requests had varied processing times or targets were frequently added or removed. If you enable sticky sessions, the routing algorithm of the target group is overridden after the initial target selection.

Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) can be used to automatically assigned to one or more availability zones, and at the same time, it can check the health status of the backend servers, and increase or decrease resources horizontally according to traffic requirements. There are also several different options for load balancers. For Application Loan Balancer (ALB), which is configured according to the OSI layer 7, which is HTTP. Other load balancer can also be distributed through the fourth layer of the network OSI, using the protocols of TCP and UDP, as well as the distributor of the gateway.

Suppose your business is unlucky to encounter a large-scale accident, such as a natural disaster, an earthquake, damage to a data centre, a technical impediment, or a human error, such as an employee running a command rm -rf deletes all the data, so what should you do? Actually, there are different methods, and there are also different restoration times and origins.

As for the different methods, different costs would be charged. The higher the cost, the faster the recovery. If your business can tolerate a few hours of service interruption, a normal backup and restore scenario is fine. But if it doesn't work, and it takes a few minutes to restore service, then it's a matter of replicating an identical environment in a different region, and in a standby state.

Let me give you an example, such as deploying a website to an environment in Singapore, and deploying a backup environment in Hong Kong at the same time. Through the Route53 domain name system, the domain name is pointed to the Singapore region. When a problem occurs in the Singapore area and the entire area cannot be used, the domain name can be transferred to the Hong Kong area immediately, and normal services can be resumed. The process can be changed manually or automatically, or even distributed proportionally or on a user-by-user basis.

However, operating in two regions is relatively expensive. For generally small-scale problems, such as component failures, network issues, or sudden increases in traffic, deploying to two or more Availability Zones is fine. When a zone is unavailable, it is immediately moved to another available zone, and data can be independently replicated.

Regarding to database, you can choose RDS, which is compatible with MySQL database and can be resized. RDS is a hosted service that handles patching, backup and restore functions for you. In the future, you can also consider using Aurora. The throughput can reach about three times, but the price is also more expensive, depending on whether you want to achieve the performance of a business database.

RDS allows multi-AZ deployments, which provides enterprise-grade high availability, fault tolerance across multiple data centres with automatic failover, and synchronous replication and enabled with one click. When failing over, Amazon RDS simply flips the canonical name record (CNAME) for your DB instance to point at the standby, which is in turn promoted to become the new primary.

The RDS read replicas provide read scaling and disaster recovery. It relieve pressure on your master node with additional read capacity. It bring data close to your application in different regions You can promote a read replica to a master for faster recovery in the event of disaster.

If you need strict read-after-write consistency (what you read is what you just wrote) then you should read from the main DB Instance. Otherwise, you should spread out the load and read from one of the read replicas. The read replicas track all of the changes made to the source DB Instance. This is an asynchronous operation. Read Replicas can sometimes be out of date with respect to the source. This phenomenon is called replication lag. Replica Lag metric in Amazon CloudWatch to allow you to see how far it has fallen behind the source DB Instance.

Amazon RDS encrypted DB instances use the industry standard AES-256 encryption algorithm to encrypt your data on the server that hosts your Amazon RDS DB instances. To protect data in transit, all AWS service endpoints support TLS to create a secure HTTPS connection to make API requests. Manage secrets, API keys, and credentials with AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS). As the team expands, with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), you can specify who or what can access services and resources in AWS, centrally manage fine-grained permissions, and analyze access to refine permissions across AWS. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) in AWS is a simple best practice that adds an extra layer of protection on top of your user name and password. Firewalls (web application, network) and DDoS protection. Thread detection, manage secret alerts, and configure security controls for individual AWS services using AWS Security, Identity & Compliance.

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service built for high performance, security, and developer convenience. It speeds up the distribution of your web content to your users, through a worldwide network of data centres called edge locations. The user request is routed to the edge location that provides the lowest latency (time delay), so that content is delivered with the best possible performance. For example, the first client sends a request in the United States, and then needs to cross half the world to Singapore to get the content, but for the second request, it is good to get the previous cache file in the data centre near the United States, which greatly reduces the distance and feedback time.

For dynamic content acceleration, you can use standard cache control headers you set on your files to identify static and dynamic content. Dynamic content is not cacheable, it proxied by CDN to the origin and back. Faster response time = Reduced DNS Time (Route 53) + Reduced Connection Time (Keep-Alive Connections & SSL Termination)+ Reduced First Byte Time (Keep-Alive Connections)+ Reduced Content Download Time (TCP/IP Optimization). It can further optimise using Latency-based Routing (LBR), run multiple stacks of the application in different Amazon EC2 regions around the world, create LBR records for each location and tag the location with geo information. Route 53 will route end users to the endpoint that provides the lowest latency.

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service that helps you automate your release pipelines for fast and reliable applications. It can use to prevent issues by running tests and performing ng quality check. Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and observability service. It provides you with data and actionable insights to monitor your applications, respond to system-wide performance changes, and optimize resource utilization. Upon detection of abnormal patterns or healthh check returns error, you can trigger an alarm or actions, which could further trigger AWS Lambda, it is serverless, event-driven compute service that lets you mitigate the issue, such as restart the server or revert to the previous stable version. You can then recover from failed service instances.

For storage of objects, there are 6 choices of Amazon Simple Storage Services (Amazon S3) storage classes: S3 standard, S3 standard-IA, S3 One Zone-IA, S3 intelligent-tiering, S3 Glacier, S3 Glacier Deep Archive. The Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes are purpose-built for data archiving, providing you with the highest performance, most retrieval flexibility, and the lowest cost archive storage in the cloud.

For S3 Data Consistency, the New Objects (PUTS) has Read After Write Consistency. When you upload a new S3 object you are able to read it immediately after writing. Overwrite (PUTS) or Delete Objects got Eventual Consistency. When you overwrite or delete an object, it takes time for S3 to replicate versions to AZs. If you read it immediately, S3 may return you an old copy. You need to generally wait a few seconds before reading.

Another storage option is EBS. What is Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS)? Block storage volumes as a service attached to Amazon EC2 instances. It is flexible storage and performance for dynamic workloads such as stateful containers. It can be created, attached, and manage volumes through API, SDK, or AWS console. It has point-in-time snapshots and tools to automate backup and retention via policies.

gp3, General Purpose SSD are great for boot volumes, low-latency applications, and bursty databases.

  • IOPS: 3,000 - 16,000 IOPS
  • Throughput: 128 - 1,000 MiB/s
  • Latency: Single-digit ms
  • Capacity: 1 GiB to 16 TiB
  • I/O Size: Up to 256 KiB (logical merge)

io2, Block Express are ideal for critical applications and databases with sustained IOPS. It’s next-generation architecture provides 4x throughput and 4x IOPS.

  • Up to 4,000 MiB/s
  • Up to 256,000 IOPS
  • 1,000:1 IOPS to GB
  • 4x volume size up to 64 TB per volume
  • < 1-millisecond latency

st1, Throughput optimized are ideal for large-block, high-throughput sequential workloads.

  • Baseline: 40 MiB/s per TiB, up to 500 MiB/s
  • Burst: 250 MiB/s per TiB, up to 500 MiB/s
  • Capacity: 125 GiB to 16 TiB
  • I/O Size: Up to 1 MiB (logical merge)

sc1, Cold HDD are ideal for sequential throughput workloads, such as logging and backup.

  • Baseline: 12 MiB/s per TiB, up to 192 MiB/s
  • Burst: 80 MiB/s per TiB, up to 250 MiB/s
  • Capacity: 125 GiB to 16 TiB
  • I/O Size: Up to 1 MiB (logical merge)

For EBS availability, EBS volume data is replicated across multiple servers in an Availability Zone to prevent the loss of data from the failure of any single component. Protect against failures with 99.999% availability, including replication within Availablity Zone (AZs), and 99.999% durability with io2 Block Express volumes. EBS Snapshots are stored in S3, which stores data across three availability zones within a single region.

Besides, there is Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS). It is serverless shared storage - no provisioning, scale capacity, connections and IOPS. It is elastic - pay only for the capacity used. Performance build-in scales with capacity. It has high durability and availability - designed for 11 9s of durability and 99.99% availability SLA.

AWS CloudFormation is a service that helps you model and set up your AWS resources so that you can spend less time managing those resources and more time focusing on your applications that run in AWS. Infrastructure as code (IaC). Consistent across accounts and regions. Dev/test environments on demand. An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is a supported and maintained image provided by AWS that provides the information required to launch an instance.

Finally, to sum up, there are many AWS services to archive well architecture with operational excellence, security, performance efficiency, reliability and cost optimisation. There is so much to learn and let’s keep learning. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this article. Let me know if you got any questions, happy to connect