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AWS Secrets Manager以及CSI驅動程式 - 提升Kubernetes的安全性與管理能力

在現代雲端原生應用中,安全地管理秘密資訊至關重要。AWS Secrets Manager,搭配Kubernetes的Container Storage Interface (CSI)驅動程式,提供了一種強大的解決方案,用以將秘密資訊安全地注入到Kubernetes pods中。本博客文章探討了AWS Secrets Manager如何與CSI驅動程式整合,並提供了關於如何解決常見問題的實用指導。

什麼是 AWS Secrets Manager?

AWS Secrets Manager是一種受管理服務,幫助您保護對應用、服務和IT資源的訪問,而無需承擔自行管理硬體安全模組(HSM)或手動密鑰轉換的前期成本和複雜性。Secrets Manager允許您在其生命週期中旋轉、管理並檢索數據庫憑證、API密鑰和其他秘密資訊。


Container Storage Interface (CSI)驅動程式是一種標準化的方式,用於將儲存系統暴露給Kubernetes上的容器化工作負載。Secrets Store CSI驅動程式允許Kubernetes將存儲在AWS Secrets Manager等外部秘密管理系統中的秘密資訊、金鑰和證書作為卷掛載到pods中。

AWS Secrets Manager與CSI驅動程式如何協同工作

AWS Secrets Manager與CSI驅動程式之間的整合是通過Secrets Store CSI驅動程式實現的,該驅動程式從AWS Secrets Manager中檢索秘密資訊並將其掛載到您的Kubernetes pods中。以下是整個過程的高級概覽:

  1. 部署:將Secrets Store CSI驅動程式部署到您的Kubernetes集群。這個驅動程式作為Kubernetes和外部秘密管理系統之間的中介。

  2. SecretProviderClass:定義一個SecretProviderClass自定義資源,該資源指定要從AWS Secrets Manager檢索的秘密資訊。這個資源包含Secrets Manager提供程序的設定和要掛載的特定秘密資訊。

  3. Pod配置:配置您的Kubernetes pods來使用Secrets Store CSI驅動程式。在pod的描述中,指定一個使用CSI驅動程式的卷並引用SecretProviderClass

  4. 掛載秘密資訊:當部署pod時,CSI驅動程式從AWS Secrets Manager檢索指定的秘密資訊並將其作為卷掛載到pod中。



  1. SecretProviderClass

    yaml apiVersion: kind: SecretProviderClass metadata: name: aws-secrets spec: provider: aws parameters: objects: | - objectName: "my-db-password" objectType: "secretsmanager" objectAlias: "db-password"

  2. Pod配置

    yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: my-app spec: containers: - name: my-container image: my-app-image volumeMounts: - name: secrets-store mountPath: "/mnt/secrets-store" readOnly: true volumes: - name: secrets-store csi: driver: readOnly: true volumeAttributes: secretProviderClass: "aws-secrets"

在這個例子中,SecretProviderClass指定應從AWS Secrets Manager中檢索名為"my-db-password"的秘密資訊並將其掛載到pod中。pod的描述包含了使用Secrets Store CSI驅動程式的卷,並引用SecretProviderClass來檢索和掛載秘密資訊。


整合AWS Secrets Manager與CSI驅動程式有時會遇到一些挑戰。以下是一些常見問題和故障排查步驟:

1. 檢查驅動程式日誌

檢查Secrets Store CSI驅動程式的日誌是否有任何錯誤訊息。日誌可能會提供對可能出錯的地方的見解。使用以下命令來查看日誌:

kubectl logs -l app=secrets-store-csi-driver -n kube-system

2. 檢查SecretProviderClass配置

確保您的SecretProviderClass配置正確。驗證物件名稱、類型和別名以確保它們與存儲在AWS Secrets Manager中的秘密資訊相匹配。

3. IAM權限

確保Kubernetes節點有訪問AWS Secrets Manager所需的IAM權限。您可能需要將IAM策略附加到節點的實例配置檔中,以授予訪問秘密資訊的權限。

4. 卷配置


5. 檢查Kubernetes事件


kubectl get events -n <namespace>

6. 秘密資訊版本

確保SecretProviderClass中指定的秘密資訊版本(如果適用)在AWS Secrets Manager中存在。版本不匹配可能會引發問題。



  1. 檢查驅動程式日誌

    sh kubectl logs -l app=secrets-store-csi-driver -n kube-system


  2. 驗證SecretProviderClass配置

    sh kubectl get secretproviderclass aws-secrets -o yaml

    確保配置與存儲在AWS Secrets Manager中的秘密資訊相匹配。

  3. 檢查IAM權限: 通過檢查附接到節點的實例配置檔,確保你的節點具有必要的IAM權限。

  4. 檢查Pod事件

    sh kubectl describe pod my-app


熟悉這些步驟,你可以系統性地識別並解決與AWS Secrets Manager和CSI驅動程式相關的問題。


AWS Secrets Manager及CSI驅動程式提供了一種強大的解決方案,可以將秘密資訊安全地管理並注入到Kubernetes pods中。通過了解整合過程並知道如何排除常見問題,你可以確保順利且安全地部署您的應用程序。利用AWS Secrets Manager及CSI驅動程式的功能,提升你的Kubernetes的安全性,並簡化秘密資訊管理。

Exploring Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) - The Power of Unsupervised Deep Learning

Generative Adversarial Networks, commonly known as GANs, have revolutionized the field of unsupervised deep learning since their invention by Ian Goodfellow and his colleagues in 2014. Described by Yann LeCun as "the most exciting idea in AI in the last ten years," GANs have made significant strides in various domains, offering innovative solutions to complex problems.

What are GANs?

GANs consist of two neural networks, the generator and the discriminator, which engage in a competitive game. The generator creates synthetic data samples, while the discriminator evaluates whether these samples are real or fake. Over time, the generator improves its ability to produce data that is indistinguishable from real data, effectively learning the target distribution of the training dataset.

How GANs Work

  1. Generator: This neural network generates fake data by transforming random noise into data samples.
  2. Discriminator: This neural network evaluates the data samples, distinguishing between real data (from the training set) and fake data (produced by the generator).

The generator aims to fool the discriminator, while the discriminator strives to accurately identify the fake data. This adversarial process continues until the generator produces highly realistic data that the discriminator can no longer distinguish from the real data.

Applications of GANs

While GANs initially gained fame for generating realistic images, their applications have since expanded to various fields, including:

Medical Data Generation

Esteban, Hyland, and Rätsch (2017) applied GANs to the medical domain to generate synthetic time-series data. This approach helps in creating valuable datasets for research and analysis without compromising patient privacy.

Financial Data Simulation

Researchers like Koshiyama, Firoozye, and Treleaven (2019) explored the potential of GANs in generating financial data. GANs can simulate alternative asset price trajectories, aiding in the training of supervised or reinforcement learning algorithms and backtesting trading strategies.

Image and Video Generation

GANs have shown remarkable success in generating high-quality images and videos. Applications include:

  • Image Super-Resolution: Enhancing the resolution of images.
  • Video Generation: Creating realistic video sequences from images or text descriptions.
  • Image Blending: Merging multiple images to create new ones.
  • Human Pose Identification: Analyzing and generating human poses in images.

Domain Transfer

CycleGANs, a type of GAN, enable image-to-image translation without the need for paired training data. This technique is used for tasks like converting photographs into paintings or transforming images from one domain to another.

Text-to-Image Generation

Stacked GANs (StackGANs) use text descriptions to generate images that match the provided descriptions. This capability is particularly useful in fields like design and content creation.

Time-Series Data Synthesis

Recurrent GANs (RGANs) and Recurrent Conditional GANs (RCGANs) focus on generating realistic time-series data. These models have potential applications in areas like finance and healthcare, where accurate time-series data is crucial.

Advantages of GANs

GANs offer several benefits, making them a powerful tool in machine learning:

  1. High-Quality Data Generation: GANs can produce data that closely mimics the real data, which is invaluable in scenarios where acquiring real data is challenging or expensive.
  2. Unsupervised Learning: GANs do not require labeled data, reducing the cost and effort associated with data labeling.
  3. Versatility: GANs can be applied to various types of data, including images, videos, and time-series data, demonstrating their flexibility.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite their success, GANs also present certain challenges:

  1. Training Instability: The adversarial training process can be unstable, requiring careful tuning of hyperparameters and network architectures.
  2. Mode Collapse: The generator might produce limited variations of data, failing to capture the diversity of the real data distribution.
  3. Evaluation Metrics: Assessing the quality of generated data remains an ongoing challenge, with researchers exploring various metrics to address this issue.

Future research aims to address these challenges and further enhance the capabilities of GANs. Advances in architectures, such as Deep Convolutional GANs (DCGANs) and Conditional GANs (cGANs), have already shown promise in improving the stability and quality of generated data.


Generative Adversarial Networks represent a groundbreaking innovation in unsupervised deep learning. From generating realistic images and videos to synthesizing valuable time-series data, GANs have opened new avenues for research and applications across diverse fields. As researchers continue to refine and expand upon this technology, GANs are poised to remain at the forefront of AI advancements, offering exciting possibilities for the future.

探索生成對抗網路(GANs)- 無監督深度學習的力量

生成對抗網路,常被稱為GANs,自2014年由Ian Goodfellow和他的同事發明以來,已經顛覆了無監督深度學習領域。Yann LeCun形容為"過去十年中人工智慧最激動人心的想法"的GANs,在各種領域取得了重要進展,為複雜問題提供了創新的解決方案。




  1. 生成器:該類神經網絡通過將隨機噪聲轉化為數據樣本來生成假數據。
  2. 判別器:該類神經網絡評估數據樣本,區分真實數據(來自訓練集)和假數據(由生成器產生)。





Esteban, Hyland, 和 Rätsch (2017) 將GANs應用於醫療領域,生成合成的時序數據。這種方法有助於創建寶貴的數據集,供研究和分析使用,並不會侵犯患者隱私。


像Koshiyama, Firoozye 和 Treleaven (2019)這樣的研究人員探索了GANs在生成金融數據方面的潛力。GANs可以模擬替代資產價格軌跡,有助於訓練監督式或增強學習算法,並回測交易策略。



  • 圖像超分辨率:增強圖像的分辨率。
  • 視頻生成:從圖像或文字描述創建逼真的視頻序列。
  • 圖像融合:融合多張圖像創建新圖像。
  • 人體姿態識別:分析和生成圖像中的人體姿勢。




Stacked GANs(StackGANs)用文字描述生成與所提供描述匹配的圖像。這種能力在設計和內容創建等領域尤其有用。


Recurrent GANs(RGANs)和 Recurrent Conditional GANs(RCGANs)專注於生成逼真的時序數據。這些模型在金融和醫療等領域具有潛在的應用,其中準確的時序數據至關重要。



  1. 高品質數據生成:GANs可以生成與真實數據極其相似的數據,這在獲取真實數據困難或昂貴的情況下非常寶貴。
  2. 無監督學習:GANs沒有標記數據的需求,降低了與數據標記相關的成本和工作量。
  3. 通用性:GANs可應用於各種類型的數據,包括圖像,視頻和時序數據,展示了其靈活性。



  1. 訓練不穩定:對抗訓練過程可能會變得不穩定,這需要對超參數和網絡架構進行謹慎的調整。
  2. 模式崩潰:生成器可能只會產生有限變化的數據,未能捕獲真實數據分佈的多樣性。
  3. 評估指標:評估生成數據質量仍是一個持續的挑戰,研究者正在探索各種指標來解決此問題。





The trend for IVV is predicted to go up tomorrow.


The latest headline concerning the iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV) reports that the fund experienced a rise driven by positive market sentiment. Oppenheimer Asset Management has increased its year-end S&P 500 target to 5,900, reflecting a bullish outlook on the broader market. Additionally, the ETF has been highlighted for its performance, with specific analysis pointing to strong earnings growth in the S&P 500 for the second quarter of 2024, projected to rise by 8.1%.

Sentiment analysis

The increase in the year-end S&P 500 target to 5,900 by Oppenheimer Asset Management suggests a positive outlook for the broader market, which is beneficial for IVV in the short term.


The trend for NVDA is predicted to go up tomorrow.


The latest headline about NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA) is that the French competition authority has confirmed an investigation into NVIDIA. This investigation comes as NVIDIA continues to navigate competitive pressures and maintain its market position in the AI and semiconductor industries​.

Sentiment analysis

The impact of the investigation by the French competition authority on NVIDIA's stock price is uncertain and could depend on the investigation's findings and market perception.


The trend for QQQ is predicted to go up tomorrow.


The latest headline about the Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ) highlights that the ETF has declared an increased quarterly dividend of $0.76 per share. This update represents a positive change from its previous quarterly dividend of $0.57 per share.

Sentiment analysis

Increasing dividends typically indicate strong financial health and can boost investor confidence in the short term.


The trend for TSLA is predicted to go up tomorrow.


The latest headline about Tesla (TSLA) stock indicates significant market movement. Tesla's stock has surged by around 7% as investors anticipate a key report on vehicle deliveries. Despite expected year-over-year declines in delivery numbers, investors are hopeful that Tesla might surpass these lowered expectations. Analysts have projected deliveries between 410,000 and 420,000 units for the second quarter, compared to 533,000 last year.

Sentiment analysis

Investor sentiment is mixed due to the anticipated year-over-year decline in deliveries despite the stock surge.


The trend for VOO is predicted to go up tomorrow.


The latest headline regarding the Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO) is that it reached a new 12-month high at $511.61. The fund has experienced consistent growth, reflecting its strong performance tracking the S&P 500 Index. Currently, VOO is trading at $514.55, marking a 0.62% increase​​​​. This upward trend is indicative of the overall bullish market sentiment and the continued popularity of low-cost, diversified investment options like VOO.

Sentiment analysis

The new 12-month high indicates strong performance and positive investor sentiment.

The Augmented Dickey—Fuller (ADF) Test for Stationarity

Stationarity is a fundamental concept in statistical analysis and machine learning, particularly when dealing with time series data. In simple terms, a time series is stationary if its statistical properties, such as mean and variance, remain constant over time. This constancy is crucial because many statistical models assume that the underlying data generating process does not change over time, simplifying analysis and prediction.

In real-world applications, such as finance, time series data often exhibit trends and varying volatility, making them non-stationary. Detecting and transforming non-stationary data into stationary data is therefore a critical step in time series analysis. One powerful tool for this purpose is the Augmented Dickey—Fuller (ADF) test.

What is the Augmented Dickey—Fuller (ADF) Test?

The ADF test is a statistical test used to determine whether a given time series is stationary or non-stationary. Specifically, it tests for the presence of a unit root in the data, which is indicative of non-stationarity. A unit root means that the time series has a stochastic trend, implying that its statistical properties change over time.

Hypothesis Testing in the ADF Test

The ADF test uses hypothesis testing to make inferences about the stationarity of a time series. Here’s a breakdown of the hypotheses involved:

  • Null Hypothesis (H0): The time series has a unit root, meaning it is non-stationary.
  • Alternative Hypothesis (H1): The time series does not have a unit root, meaning it is stationary.

To reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the time series is stationary, the p-value obtained from the ADF test must be less than a chosen significance level (commonly 5%).

Performing the ADF Test

Here’s how you can perform the ADF test in Python using the statsmodels library:

import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller

# Example time series data
data = pd.Series([your_time_series_data])

# Perform the ADF test
result = adfuller(data)

# Extract and display the results
adf_statistic = result[0]
p_value = result[1]
used_lag = result[2]
n_obs = result[3]
critical_values = result[4]

print(f'ADF Statistic: {adf_statistic}')
print(f'p-value: {p_value}')
print(f'Used Lag: {used_lag}')
print(f'Number of Observations: {n_obs}')
print('Critical Values:')
for key, value in critical_values.items():
    print(f'   {key}: {value}')

Interpreting the Results

  • ADF Statistic: A negative value, where more negative values indicate stronger evidence against the null hypothesis.
  • p-value: If the p-value is less than the significance level (e.g., 0.05), you reject the null hypothesis, indicating that the time series is stationary.
  • Critical Values: These values help to determine the threshold at different confidence levels (1%, 5%, 10%) to compare against the ADF statistic.

Example and Conclusion

Consider a financial time series data, such as daily stock prices. Applying the ADF test might reveal a p-value greater than 0.05, indicating non-stationarity. In such cases, data transformations like differencing or detrending might be necessary to achieve stationarity before applying further statistical models.

In summary, the ADF test is an essential tool for diagnosing the stationarity of a time series. By understanding and applying this test, analysts can better prepare their data for modeling, ensuring the validity and reliability of their results.

增廣迪基-富勒 (ADF) 站性檢定







  • 零假設 (H0):時間序列有單根,意即它為非站性。
  • 對立假設 (H1):時間序列沒有單根,意即它為站性。

為了拒絕零假設,並得出時間序列是站性的結論,從ADF檢定中獲得的 p 值必須小於所選的顯著性水平(通常為 5%)。


以下是使用 statsmodels庫在Python中執行ADF檢定的方法:

import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller

# 示例時間序列數據
data = pd.Series([your_time_series_data])

# 執行ADF檢定
result = adfuller(data)

# 提取並顯示結果
adf_statistic = result[0]
p_value = result[1]
used_lag = result[2]
n_obs = result[3]
critical_values = result[4]

print(f'ADF Statistic: {adf_statistic}')
print(f'p-value: {p_value}')
print(f'Used Lag: {used_lag}')
print(f'Number of Observations: {n_obs}')
print('Critical Values:')
for key, value in critical_values.items():
    print(f'   {key}: {value}')


  • ADF 統計量:一個負值,其中更負的值表示對零假設的證據更強。
  • p 值: 若 p 值低於顯著性水平(例如,0.05),則您拒絕零假設,認定時間序列為站性。
  • 臨界值:這些值幫助確定不同信任等級(1%,5%,10%)的閾值,用來與 ADF 統計量進行比較。


考慮一個金融時間序列數據,像是每日股價。應用 ADF 檢定可能會得出 p 值大於0.05,表明非站性。在此情況下,可能需要進行數據轉換建如差分或去趨勢以達到站性,然後再應用進一步的統計模型。

總結來說,ADF 檢定是檢測時間序列站性的重要工具。通過了解並應用此檢定,分析師能更好地為建模做好數據準備,從而確保他們結果的有效性和可靠性。