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Enable Automatic Login for OS X El Capitan

The Problem

I just performed a fresh install of OS X El Capitan. I attempted to enable automatic login, but it remained locked. This was frustrating.

The Solution

  1. Go to System Preferences and select Security & Privacy. Turn off FileVault for the disk.
  2. Navigate to Users & Groups and click Change Password.
  3. Rather than using my iCloud password to log in and unlock this Mac, I opted to use a separate password.
  4. I set my new password.
  5. I clicked on Login Options and enabled automatic login for my account.

Yay, it worked!

啟用 OS X El Capitan 的自動登錄


我剛剛進行了 OS X El Capitan 的全新安裝。我試圖啟用自動登錄,但是它仍然被鎖定。這讓我感到困惑。


  1. 前往系統偏好設定並選擇安全與隱私權。為磁盤關閉FileVault。
  2. 導航到使用者與群組並點擊更改密碼
  3. 我選擇使用另一個密碼而不是使用我的 iCloud 密碼來登錄並解鎖這台Mac。
  4. 我設定了我的新密碼。
  5. 我點擊了登錄選項並為我的帳戶啟用自動登錄。


Ember Inject Controller

The Problem I Encountered:

After updating my Ember project to version 1.13.5, I received the following warning in the browser console:

_DEPRECATION: Controller#needs is deprecated. Please use Ember.inject.controller() instead._

However, I couldn't find any documentation on how to implement the new syntax.

The Solution:

Though it's marked as a private method in the Ember documentation, you can view it by selecting the "private" checkbox.

There are two ways to use Ember.inject.controller(): with and without specifying a controller name.

_App.PostController = Ember.Controller.extend({ posts: Ember.inject.controller() });_

When you don't specify the name of the controller, Ember uses the property name to look it up, as in:

posts: Ember.inject.controller('posts').

You will only need to specify the controller name if the property name and the controller name are different.

_App.PostController = Ember.Controller.extend({ myPosts: Ember.inject.controller('posts') });_

This way, you can successfully update your project to comply with the new Ember guidelines.




_棄用警告: Controller#needs 已被棄用。請改用 Ember.inject.controller() 。_





_應用程序.貼文控制器 = Ember.控制器.extend({ 文章: Ember.inject.控制器() });_


文章: Ember.注入.控制器('文章').


_應用程序.貼文控制器 = Ember.控制器.extend({ 我的帖子: Ember.注入.控制器('文章') });_


Fun Things to Do in Hanoi, Vietnam

My ambition is to travel the world, although I realize that may be a bit too ambitious.

One essential lesson I've learned in software engineering is how to manage complexity. By breaking down a large challenge into smaller, more manageable pieces, we can accomplish meaningful goals step by step. Taking a weekend getaway to Vietnam is one of those simple joys that doesn't require using annual vacation days.

Here are some fun things to do in Hanoi:

Halong Bay Kayaking - My Instagram photos may have multiple filter layers, but the scenery in Halong Bay is as beautiful as postcard pictures without any need for Photoshop. Though the journey from the city took four hours, this UNESCO World Heritage site was well worth the effort. Kayaking is my favorite way to get up close and personal with the magnificent limestone formations. If you go, remember to bring a waterproof bag to protect your iPhone in case you fall into the water.

Nature's Marvel - Dong Thien Cung Cave - Shaped by wind and water over millennia, the Dong Thien Cung cave is awe-inspiring. With a little imagination, you might see a dragon, lion, or even a breast-shaped formation among the colorful stalagmites. Interestingly, some superstitious women who struggle with breastfeeding pray for milk blessings in front of that particular rock.

Navigating the Night Market - The experience was both fantastic and overwhelming. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, I visited the bustling night market but also found myself stuck in the crowd. It seemed everyone on the street had an ice cream cone, so I got one too. The mint flavor tasted like toothpaste but was refreshing on a hot, humid night. Crossing the road in Hanoi, congested with motorcycles, is a real challenge. Regardless of whether the light is red or green, people just keep moving. Successfully crossing the street amid cars, motorcycles, and pushcarts coming from all directions takes courage. Thankfully, I made it unscathed.

Savor the Street Food - If you're adventurous, be prepared to sample a variety of local dishes. While I was there, I tried to remember the Vietnamese names of the foods, but now that I'm back home, they've slipped my mind. Although the language sounds melodic, I still can't comprehend the nuanced tones.

Egg Coffee - Don't knock it until you've tried it; it's not as off-putting as it sounds. Traditional Vietnamese egg coffee (Cà Phê Trứng) is primarily found in Hanoi. Thanks to a local guide, I enjoyed this beverage at a hidden upstairs coffee shop, priced similarly for tourists and locals. As a coffee enthusiast, another visit to a historic coffee shop for the famous condensed milk coffee—a perfect blend of sweet and bitter—is a must.

Visit the Hoa Lo Prison Museum - Let me clarify, I didn't do anything wrong! I visited the Hoa Lo Prison Museum after touring the French-style St. Joseph's Cathedral. I've always been fascinated by the darker aspects of human nature, such as torture and execution. Reflecting on history, I feel fortunate to live in an era and place without oppressive political regimes and major conflicts. The Vietnam War is not just a movie topic; it's a real-life historical event built on dubious political justifications. Each soldier has a family, and each death brings them sorrow. At that moment, I found myself missing my partner and wishing for her continued safety.

So, it's time to start planning your trip. There's so much to see and do in Hanoi that I almost missed my flight back. I plan to continue exploring and seeing what the world has to offer. Can't wait for the next adventure! If you book early, you might even find some great deals.





下龍灣皮划艇 - 我的Instagram照片可能有多層濾鏡,但下龍灣的風景無需任何Photoshop就如明信片般美麗。雖然從城市出發需要四小時,但這個聯合國教科文組織世界遺產非常值得。皮划艇是我最喜歡接近壯觀的石灰石形成的方式。如果你去,記得帶一個防水袋來保護你的iPhone,以防你掉入水中。

自然奇觀 -東天宮洞 - 經過數千年風和水的塑造,東天宮洞令人驚嘆。用點想像力,你可能會在五彩斑斕的石筍中看到一條龍,一頭獅子,甚至一種乳房形狀的形成。有趣的是,一些迷信的女性在該岩石前祈福以求母乳充足。

在夜市導航 - 這種體驗既奇妙又厲害。在中秋節時,我參觀了繁華的夜市,但我也發現自己陷入群眾中。街上似乎每個人都有一個冰淇淋,所以我也買了一個。薄荷味的味道像牙膏,但在潮濕的熱夜裡很提神。在摩托車繁多的河內過馬路是一項真正的挑戰。無論紅燈還是綠燈,人們都在移動。成功地在來自所有方向的汽車,摩托車和手推車中穿過街道需要勇氣。謝天謝地,我安然無恙。

享受街頭美食 - 如果你敢於冒險,一定要準備品嚐各種當地美食。當我在那裡的時候,我試圖記住食物的越南名稱,但現在我回家了,它們已經從我的記憶中消失了。儘管語言聽起來很有旋律,我仍然無法理解其細膩的語調。

蛋咖啡 - 在你試過之前不要嘲笑它;它並不像聽起來那麼令人不悅。越南傳統的蛋咖啡(Cà Phê Trứng)主要在河內能找到。感謝當地的導遊,我在一家隱藏在樓上的咖啡店品嚐了這種飲料,對於遊客和本地人來說價格差不多。作為一名咖啡愛好者,我必須再次參觀歷史悠久的咖啡店品嚐那著名的煉乳咖啡——甜與苦的完美融合。

參觀和勞監獄博物館 - 讓我澄清一下,我沒做錯什麼!我參觀了法式的聖若瑟主教座堂後,參觀了和勞監獄博物館。我一直都對人性的黑暗面,如折磨和懲罰,感到著迷。反思歷史,我感到幸運能在沒有壓迫性政治政權和主要衝突的時代和地方生活。越南戰爭不僅僅是電影主題,它是一個建立在不明確政治理由上的真實歷史事件。每個士兵都有一個家庭,每個死亡都帶給他們悲痛。那一刻,我發現自己想念我的伴侶,並希望她持續安全。


Batch Crop Images using ImageMagick

Today, one of the tasks I performed involved batch cropping numerous pictures. I found ImageMagick to be very useful for scaling and cropping images. Mogrify, a command within the ImageMagick package, enables us to perform various operations on multiple images. I am posting this guide as a future reference for myself and perhaps it will be helpful for others as well.

Step 1: Install MacPorts

After completing the installation, if you encounter the following error:

> _sudo: port: command not found_

The issue likely arises because MacPorts binaries are installed in /opt/local/bin. You'll need to manually update your shell’s environment to work with MacPorts:

> _export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin_
> _source .profile_
> _sudo port -v selfupdate_

Step 2: Install ImageMagick

To install, run:

> _sudo port install ImageMagick_

The port command will download ImageMagick and many of its delegate libraries. If you encounter an error like:

> _convert: command not found_

Set the MAGICK_HOME environment variable to the path where you extracted the ImageMagick files:

> _export MAGICK_HOME="$HOME/ImageMagick-6.9.1"_

If the bin subdirectory of the extracted package isn't already in your executable search path, add it:

> _export PATH="$MAGICK_HOME/bin:$PATH"_

Set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:


Step 3: Add Missing Decoding Library

If you try to convert JPEG images and get the following error message:

> _“convert: no decode delegate for this image format”_
  1. Visit and download the required or missing delegate library, such as
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Change directory to the unzipped folder:
> _cd jpeg-9a_
  1. Then run:
> _./configure; make; make test; make -n install_

Step 5: Usage

To avoid overwriting the original image files, create a new folder and backup the images there.

To resize a single image to a height of 600px while maintaining the same aspect ratio, run:

> _convert input.png -geometry x600 output.png_

If you'd like to convert all images in a folder, change to that directory and use:

> _mogrify -geometry x600 *.png_

To scale down an image to 200 pixels:

> _convert myPhoto.jpg -resize 200x200^_

To crop the image from the center:

> _convert myPhoto.jpg -gravity Center -crop 200x200+0+0 +repage newPhoto.jpg_

The -gravity south option specifies that the crop should start at the bottom of the image. The -chop 0x135 option cuts 135 pixels from the height:

> _mogrify -gravity south -chop 0x135 *.jpg_

To resize all images in the current directory to a width of 800 (height will be reduced proportionally):

> _mogrify -resize 800 *.jpg_

To rotate images 90 degrees:

> _mogrify -rotate 90 *.jpg_

For More Information:






> _sudo: port: command not found_


> _export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin_
> _source .profile_
> _sudo port -v selfupdate_

第二步:安裝 ImageMagick


> _sudo port install ImageMagick_


> _convert: command not found_


> _export MAGICK_HOME="$HOME/ImageMagick-6.9.1"_


> _export PATH="$MAGICK_HOME/bin:$PATH"_





> _“convert: no decode delegate for this image format”_

1.訪問 下載需要的或缺失的代理庫,如。 2.解壓縮該檔案。 3.更改目錄到解壓縮後的文件夾:

> _cd jpeg-9a_


> _./configure; make; make test; make -n install_




> _convert input.png -geometry x600 output.png_


> _mogrify -geometry x600 *.png_


> _convert myPhoto.jpg -resize 200x200^_


> _convert myPhoto.jpg -gravity Center -crop 200x200+0+0 +repage newPhoto.jpg_

-gravity south選項指定裁剪應該從圖像的底部開始。-chop 0x135選項從高度中切割135個像素:

> _mogrify -gravity south -chop 0x135 *.jpg_


> _mogrify -resize 800 *.jpg_


> _mogrify -rotate 90 *.jpg_



Switching from Sublime Text to Atom

The Atom text editor has just released its 1.0 version. There are plenty of reasons to switch from Sublime Text. Maybe you love the concept of open source, or perhaps you're a member of the GitHub community. While Atom does have a different look and feel, installing the following packages can quickly bring your productivity back up to speed.

1. Install the Monokai Syntax Theme

There are many cool-looking themes, but I'm accustomed to Sublime's default color scheme. Install the Monokai syntax theme by visiting:

2. Convert Tabs to Spaces

Install the "tabs-to-spaces" package by going to:

Then add this line to your config.cson:

'tabs-to-spaces': 'onSave': 'untabify'

3. Soft Tabs

By default, hard tabs are 4 characters long, which can result in code that is hard to read due to excessive indentation. I recommend enabling the "Soft Tabs" option in the user settings, which replaces tabs with spaces.

4. Show White Space

In Settings, check the box labeled "Show Invisibles." This will add little dots to indicate indentation spaces.

5. Trim Trailing White Space on Save

This feature strips trailing whitespace and adds a trailing newline when the editor is saved.

6. Bracket Highlighter

"Bracket-matcher" is a must-have package for highlighting all sorts of brackets: () [] {} "" '' <>.

7. Emmet

Emmet is an essential toolkit for web developers. It saves a lot of time with shortcuts. For instance, type the following and then hit tab:


This will output the appropriate HTML tags.

Another example: start typing lorem and it will automatically output the entire "Lorem Ipsum" text.

8. Git Plus

This package allows you to perform Git operations without needing to open the terminal, right from the Atom Editor. Save a few seconds off your workflow by using this package:

9. Git Diff

This feature marks lines in the editor gutter that have been added, edited, or deleted since the last commit:

10. Linter and JSHint

To lint your code, visit:

For JSHint, go to:

11. Alignment

This package offers a simple key-binding for aligning multi-line, multi-cursor, and multiple selections. For example, before and after using the shortcut ctrl+cmd+a:


var a = b;
var ab = c;
var abcd = d;
var ddddd = d;


var a     = b;
var ab    = c;
var abcd  = d;
var ddddd = d;

12. Set Atom as Git's Default Editor

If you're not comfortable using Vim for writing Git commits, you can set Atom as the default editor by executing the following command:

git config --global core.editor "atom --wait"

Packages offer developers tools to enhance productivity and workflow. What packages have you installed? Let me know what your favorites are.

從Sublime Text切換到Atom

Atom文本編輯器剛剛發布了其1.0版本。有很多理由從Sublime Text切換過來。也許你熱愛開源的概念,或者你是GitHub社區的一員。雖然Atom有著不同的外觀和感覺,但安裝以下的包可以快速提高你的生產力。

1. 安裝Monokai語法主題


2. 將標籤轉換為空格


然後在您的設定 cson 文件中添加這行代碼:

'tabs-to-spaces': 'onSave': 'untabify'

3. 軟標籤

默認情況下,堅硬的標籤為4個字符長,這可能導致由於過多的縮進而使代碼難以閱讀。我建議在用戶設定中啟用"Soft Tabs"選項,這將用空格替換標籤。

4. 顯示空白位

在設定中,勾選"Show Invisibles"。這將在代碼中加入小點來顯示縮進空格。

5. 在保存時修剪尾隨的空白位


6. 括號高亮

"Bracket-matcher"是一個必需的包,用於高亮各種括號:() [] {} "" '' <>。

7. Emmet




另一個例子:開始輸入lorem,它會自動輸出整個"Lorem Ipsum"文本。

8. Git Plus

此包允許您在Atom Editor內進行Git操作,無需打開終端,節省了您的工作流程的一些時間:

9. Git Diff


10. Linter和JSHint



11. Alignment



var a = b;
var ab = c;
var abcd = d;
var ddddd = d;


var a     = b;
var ab    = c;
var abcd  = d;
var ddddd = d;

12. 將Atom設定為Git的預設編輯器


git config --global core.editor "atom --wait"
