Career Conversations - Discovering Strengths and Values


Navigating the world of career choices can often be overwhelming and confusing. With so many options available, it’s easy to feel lost or uncertain about which path to choose. However, by taking the time to identify your strengths and values, you can gain clarity and engage in more meaningful career conversations. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of understanding your strengths and values in shaping your professional journey.

Understanding Your Strengths

Your strengths are the unique qualities and skills that come naturally to you. These are areas in which you excel and feel confident. Identifying your strengths is crucial because aligning your work with them increases your chances of experiencing satisfaction, engagement, and success. Here are some strategies for uncovering your strengths:

a) Reflect on your past experiences: Consider tasks or activities where you have consistently performed well. Which activities energize you and make you lose track of time? These experiences can provide valuable clues about your strengths.

b) Seek feedback from others: Ask trusted friends, colleagues, or mentors what they perceive as your strengths. Often, others can identify our strengths more clearly than we can ourselves.

c) Use assessment tools: Tools like the StrengthsFinder assessment can offer insights into your natural talents and help you articulate your strengths more effectively.

Reflection on My Strengths

For example, after some self-reflection, I have identified the following strengths:

Identifying Your Values

Values are the guiding principles that shape your behavior and decisions. They are deeply held beliefs about what is important and meaningful to you. When your work aligns with your values, you experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Here are some steps to help identify your values:

a) Reflect on what matters most to you: Consider the aspects of life that you find most fulfilling and satisfying. These could be creativity, collaboration, autonomy, making a positive impact, or something else entirely. Identify core values that resonate with you.

b) Prioritize your values: Once you’ve identified your values, rank them in order of importance. This will help you understand which values are non-negotiable in your career.

c) Evaluate alignment with your current situation: Assess how well your current job or career path aligns with your values. If there’s a significant mismatch, you may need to explore other options that better reflect your core values.

Reflection on My Values

As an example, after some self-reflection, here are my prioritized values:

Having Career Conversations

Armed with a clear understanding of your strengths and values, you’re ready for more purposeful career conversations. Whether you’re discussing career options with a mentor, seeking advice from a professional network, or interviewing for a job, here’s how to make the most of these conversations:


Understanding your strengths and values is a transformative process that can have a significant impact on your career journey. By identifying and leveraging your strengths, you can excel in your chosen field. Similarly, aligning your work with your values will help you find both fulfillment and purpose.